Our Best Gift Ever? Our Students!
As much as so many of Averett University’s students share a lot in common with each other, they are also distinctly different from one another. Each student brings his or ...
As much as so many of Averett University’s students share a lot in common with each other, they are also distinctly different from one another. Each student brings his or ...
Depending on where you are on your life’s path, the things you value and that mean the most to you often change and evolve. As a teen on Christmas morning, you may have ...
Although in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t really matter whether you opt to earn your bachelor’s or master’s degree online or on a college campus in ...
Whether you are a new student, a graduate, or staff member, or someone who just comes across this in your internet travels, believe. Always believe in yourself and think ...
There are a handful of experiences in life that add so much value, authentic joy, and limitless opportunities to your world that you can neither put a price tag on them ...
You are never too old to go back to or finish school. What is your motivation for obtaining your degree? I chose to obtain my degree for several reasons. First and ...
I chose Averett’s GPS Program because of their known success rate and the success of my colleagues that have gone through the program. What is your motivation for ...
It’s no news flash that even college graduates get downsized, get laid off, or sometimes find it challenging to secure their dream job; however, results from numerous ...
The professors are engaging and positive, making the learning environment manageable and beneficial and even enjoyable. What is your motivation for obtaining your degree? ...
I had to find an accredited program that would allow me to pursue my professional goals while allowing me to wear my many hats, [and] Averett GPS program was a perfect ...
Did you know earning a college degree can also lead to a healthier lifestyle? That’s right! Compared to individuals who stopped pursuing a formal education beyond a high ...