Meet Oliver Brugato, Bachelor of Business Administration Student!
What is your motivation for obtaining your degree? Moral High Ground! I am preaching education to my kids so how can I preach it if I don’t live it? Why did you ...
What is your motivation for obtaining your degree? Moral High Ground! I am preaching education to my kids so how can I preach it if I don’t live it? Why did you ...
What is your motivation for obtaining your degree? I am currently an elementary school teacher and truly love my job. I want to further my experiences by eventually ...
By Melissa Anderson, Director of Admissions, GPS | Adjunct Faculty In December 2016, the Graduate & Professional Studies program worked with a group of GPS graduates ...
What is your motivation for obtaining your degree? I’ve been asked several times about my motivation for obtaining my degree. What I’ve found is that there ...
What is your motivation for obtaining your degree? My motivation is multi-faceted. First, by obtaining my degree I am finishing something I started back in the 90’s after ...
Figuring out how to go back to school while balancing work, family, and other obligations is a daunting task. Many people are hesitant to take the plunge and go back to ...
What is your motivation for obtaining your degree? What’s really motivated me in obtaining a degree at Averett was looking forward to possibly moving into a higher ...
Recently, Averett University partnered with four different businesses around the Commonwealth in an effort to grow and develop its Graduate and Professional Studies (GPS) ...
What is your motivation for obtaining your degree? My motivation for obtaining my degree has many facets involved. First, I work in an environment where I encourage ...
There are few people in this world who genuinely love public speaking. If you’re returning to college to finish your education, there is a good chance that you’ll be ...
What is your motivation for obtaining your degree? My motivation for obtaining my degree is to open my career up to new opportunities. As a healthcare professional, I ...