headshot of kathleen hubert, online degree program student

What is your motivation for obtaining your degree?

What’s really motivated me in obtaining a degree at Averett was looking forward to possibly moving into a higher position at the company that I work for. I never thought at this time in my life that I would be starting college for the first time. I truly think this is the best move I could make for my family and me.

Why did you choose Averett’s Graduate & Professional Studies Program?                       

I had spoken to a friend of mine who is attending Averett as part of the Graduate & Professional Studies program, and recommended that I give Jonathan a call and let him explain how it works. He has been such a great help since the start of all this. There is such a great group of support from the Averett Student Success team. I thank you all for what you do for us.

Please share one tip for your fellow classmates and future AU students:

The one helpful tip I’d love to share with my fellow classmates is if you ever get sick during a class even though it’s an online class, give your advisor a call and let them know what’s going on with you. Your teacher and advisors can help you out a great deal. I was very sick with pneumonia and hesitated to call them. Don’t hesitate to ask for help like I did. Call them as soon as you can and let them know what’s going on; they’re there to help you.

What helps to keep you motivated while you are in the program?

My main motivation while going through this program is my best friend. He has always been there in my life to make me work to my fullest potential to reach my goals.

What is your anticipated Date of Graduation?

Averett University, Class of 2019!

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