Questions? 800-AVERETT



We are committed to your success!




How it Works:

  1. First, Reach out to [email protected] and let us know you need a tutor and the course information.
  2. Next, we will then reach out with a tutor’s name and a link to his/her/their acuity link in order for you to set up an appointment.
  3. Clink on the link and follow the steps to complete the intake form and set up an appointment with the tutor.

All appointments are held via Zoom. If you are unfamiliar with zoom and have not setup a free account, not to worry, it’s a quick process and it’s totally free!

  • Be sure you are using your Averett email as your Zoom appointment details will be sent to you Averett email.
  • If you run into problems and at the last minute find difficulty getting on, go to:
  • Enter the meeting ID from your appointment reminder from your email.

Interested in becoming a tutor?

Please send an interest email to Ashley S Patterson, [email protected].

Meet Your Tutors

Meet Your Tutors


Liz Cervantes

Courses I tutor:

ADA501, ADA502, ADA504, Writing and APA, Communication and Public Speaking, MTH100, MTH103, Leadership

Email Me

Set Up an Appointment for Tutoring with Liz

How to Choose an Online Program

Learn More

Which program are you interested in?

Our next session starts May 14.

Reserve your seat today!