You’ve probably heard someone say that school doesn’t prepare you for work in the real world. That may be true for some schools, but we’ve got proof it’s not like that at Averett University.
For one thing, many of our professors have hands-on experience in the fields they teach, so they know what it takes for you to be successful. For another thing, we work with big employers in our area and use their input to develop our course content. This helps you know what to expect and prepares you to tackle real-life day-to-day challenges. And, we’ve got tons of career development resources to help you land or move up in the job of your dreams.
A great example is Wendy, one of our nursing students. She came to Averett to get a degree required for a certain position, never expecting it to make such an impact on her career immediately. “I thought I would churn out a bunch of papers and collect a grade without gaining any practical knowledge,” she said. “I’m astonished at what I’ve learned and how much it helps me in my day-to-day practice.”
“I’m astonished at what I’ve learned and how much it helps me in my day-to-day practice,” said Wendy Dahmer, RN-BSN student.
There are plenty of Averett stories like Wendy’s. We make it a priority to mirror real-life situations in our classes, so you can literally use tonight’s lessons in tomorrow’s workday. “I had to do a class project on how to educate home health patients on conditions like congestive heart failure, diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,” said Wendy. “I presented my idea to my manager at work and he loved it. We’re implementing it now to try to reduce re-hospitalizations.
“It’s so rewarding to use what I learned in school to make life better for real patients,” Wendy concluded. “My education at Averett will no doubt have a great impact on my future career.”
Schedule an appointment by January 7th to have your tuition deposit waived!
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