
Getting a degree is a big undertaking, especially if you’re also working, managing a household and/or taking care of a family. Of course, you have to consider cost when choosing a school, but it shouldn’t be the most important factor. The old saying, “you get what you pay for,” definitely applies to colleges. The lowest price may not give you what you expect for the time and effort it takes to earn a degree.

Here are a few things to consider when evaluating degree programs:

  • Personal attention: The bigger the school, the more likely you are to be treated like a number rather than a real person. Averett University is smaller on purpose. We offer small class sizes, dedicated success coaches and free online tutoring to help each student be successful.
  • Flexible schedules: It’s hard to fit a busy life around a rigid schedule. That’s why Averett University’s online sessions start five times per year and allow you to learn and grow on your own time.
  • Completion time: Not every university lets you go at your own pace without consequences. At Averett University, you can choose from multiple paths to completing your degree. If you’re especially ambitious, most programs can be completed in less than two years.
  • Online and on-campus options: Many universities teach one way or the other. Averett University offers 100% online courses as well as on-campus courses at locations throughout Virginia for students who prefer to learn face-to-face.
  • Career development: Career services aren’t just for people who don’t know what they want to do. Everyone can use personalized career advice, help with their résumés and information on career development and advancement. Averett offers all that, plus networking with employers and other partners.
  • Transfer credits: Most legitimate schools accept credits you earned somewhere else, but it’s worth it to confirm. Averett University is considered one of the best schools for transfer credits.
  • Programs offered: It’s a good idea to pick a school with a wide variety of programs and degree levels so you don’t have to change schools to keep advancing your education. Averett University offers master’s, bachelor’s and associate programs in data analytics, business, criminal justice, education, accounting, leadership and more. We often add new programs, such as our Master of Science in Criminal Justice Administration and Leadership, and our Master of Science in Applied Data Analytics.
  • Value for the money: You’re not just paying for college; you’re investing in your future. Averett University is worth every penny, and we offer alumni and military scholarships and financial aid to make a college degree accessible and affordable.


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