Hello! My Name Is…
Hello, my name is Briana and I am currently a Sales Executive for The Knot (#1 Wedding Brand), located in NYC. I am a graduate of the University of Toledo with a Bachelors in Business Administration. I enjoy traveling and family activities in my leisure time. After receiving my Bachelors I knew I wanted to continue on to my Masters but I felt I needed some experience in my field before anything. I immediately began work upon graduation and finally decided to go for it!
What is your motivation for obtaining your degree here at Averett University?
Working full-time and commuting to NYC every day from New Jersey I knew I needed a flexible program with many resources available at any time. Averett has been everything I imagined so far and I am very happy with the choice I’ve made.
Averett has been everything I imagined so far and I am very happy with the choice I’ve made.
Why did you choose Averett University’s Graduate & Professional Studies program?
After doing weeks of research Averett University was my school of choice because it offered an affordable and convenient degree program. Not to mention, a great staff! From the moment I applied, all of the staff were very helpful and informative. I couldn’t resist.
How has your degree from Averett University assisted you in your career?
So far this program has helped in enhancing my critical thinking skills and work-life balance.
What advice would you share for current and incoming students in Averett University’s GPS Program?
To all current and new students: Realize that a successful college career requires hard-work, dedication and sacrifice. Make your education a priority!
What keeps you motivated while in your degree program?
When it comes to being motivated, I think about excelling in my career and building a foundation that will inspire young women like myself, to pursue a college degree and never give up on your dreams!
What is your anticipated date of graduation?
Graduation – May 2020 (MBA)
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