Hello! My Name Is…
Hi! My name is Jessica Shenk. I moved to Richmond, Virginia for a chance at a new career. I am an Hourly Trader in the Markets Operations Center for Dominion Energy. I have been here for four years and in that time had the extreme pleasure of earning an Associate’s degree from Averett University. The experience was so good; I decided to continue to grow with Averett and am now just a couple classes away from my Bachelor’s degree. When I am not studying I am catching up on my favorite things (GOT, traveling), laundry (not a favorite thing), and spending time with my crazy family; my best friend and soon-to-be husband, our four tweens, and one sweet but grumpy kitty!
What is your motivation for obtaining your degree here at Averett University?
The GPS program is set at a good pace, fast enough that you’re constantly learning and growing, getting closer and closer to the goal; but not so all-consuming that you do not miss out on time you need for work and family. The program supports a hectic life, I have a full time job, a full time family, and still can continue to earn a degree.
Why did you choose Averett University’s Graduate & Professional Studies program?
When I joined my new team at Dominion there were three employees who had gained their degree through the Averett GPS program. They were able to obtain the degree while maintaining excellence and focus at work, they are all seniors with in my new field. One contacted Pat, an admissions counselor for Averett (who has been there for me since the beginning and is still there for me) and with their help I was able to start my journey towards not just one degree but two!
How has your degree from Averett University assisted you in your career?
I have been blessed to be able to maintain my work ethic while earning my degree. I am now in line for the next promotion that is available within my group. Working towards this goal with Averett has enabled me to focus on my goals at work (keep moving up the ladder), meet them, and surpass them. The confidence I have gained, knowing I am working for my future at Averett, has boosted my confidence at work.
The confidence I have gained, knowing I am working for my future at Averett, has boosted my confidence at work.
What advice would you share for current and incoming students in Averett University’s GPS Program?
Have a clear destination in mind. Understand you are doing this for yourself, not to yourself. Set yourself specific and clearly defined goals, small goals will make this daunting task manageable. For each class read the syllabus and keep ahead of those deadlines! This will ease a lot of the stress related to deadlines and homework assignments, and allow you to enjoy your classes more and take more away from each project.
What keeps you motivated while in your degree program?
Knowing that with each class, I am one step closer to the goal I set for myself almost four years ago! The teachers and counselors go over and above if you need any help. I feel, if they are that invested in me; I can invest that much confidence in myself. My family has supported me through each class and if I quit, I am showing my high schoolers and middle schoolers it’s OK to give up on yourself and your future.
What is your anticipated date of graduation?
December 9, 2018
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