Hello! My Name Is…
My name is Rhonda Lawson. I currently work in the financial sector where I provide support to investors who take out securities commitments. My husband and I have three grandchildren and a fourth on the way next month, so family is very important to me. I also enjoy spending time with my seven year old white German shepherd and I make a commitment in taking at least two family vacations a year to places that we have never been. I love learning about different cultures and tasting different foods. In my spare time I enjoy reading poetry; my favorite writings are from Maya Angelou and Langston Hughes.
What is your motivation for obtaining your degree here at Averett University?
I never had the privilege of going to college after graduating high school, but I always had the desire to complete higher education. So one day when I turned 45 years old I made it a goal that before I turned 50 years old, I would obtain my Bachelors of Business Administration.
For me Maya Angelou said it best, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you”. My untold story is I always had the desire to obtain a degree, but as time passed raising a family and working full time I never focused on it. However, the agony of not knowing if I could have obtained my degree that I had the chance bothered me. So, I did not want the question of not knowing how much I could have grown or whether I could have completed a degree to go unanswered. Being able to tell my story one day to someone and to be able to inspire them is my motivation.
For me Maya Angelou said it best, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you”.
Why did you choose Averett University’s Graduate & Professional Studies program?
I chose Averett’s Graduate & Professional Studies Program because of its flexibility and easy format for an adult learner. Having a full time job and other responsibilities sometimes leaves a little or no time to do other things. In addition, my current job is in the financial sector and can be at times mentally draining, so there are days when I just do not have the energy. Averett’s Graduate & Professional Studies Program was the perfect fit because I knew once I started I had to finish so in order for me to be successful I needed a format of learning that gave me the ability to complete the assignments within the courses without added stress. Averett’s program offered the best structure for an adult learner so I enrolled.
How has your degree from Averett University assisted you in your career?
After completing my BBA in 2016, I was selected by my employer to take part in a financial industry accreditation program. Averett’s learning structure played a key role in me being able to successfully complete the industry certification program in Finance. This was a stepping stone to the next level within the industry that I work.
What advice would you share for current and incoming students in Averett University’s GPS Program?
Surround yourselves with those who encourage learning. Set a specific date in which you will start and always keep the vision of completing and receiving your degree in front of you. Do not hesitate. Get started now!
What keeps you motivated while in your degree program?
I enrolled in Averett’s MBA program right after obtaining my BBA so staying motivated is so important to successfully completing a degree program. I surround myself with individuals who encourage learning especially as an adult learner. My biggest supporter is my husband Terrance who continues to sacrifice in order for me to reach my personal goals. Now that I am enrolled in Averett’s MBA program, I continue to focus on personal growth with the view of inspiring others who are older. Learning never stops, it is continuous and Averett’s degree program is the perfect structure in meeting the course requirements without stress.
What is your anticipated date of graduation?
Averett University, Class of 2019!
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