
Hello! My Name Is…

My name is Julie Trent I have been employed with my current employer for 15 years at a financial institution. I have been married for 10 years to my husband. I have two daughters, a step daughter, and step son. Hobbies I enjoy are attending concerts and outdoor music festivals in the summer. I also enjoy reading.

What is your motivation for obtaining your degree here at Averett University?

My motivation for obtaining my degree at Averett is my two daughters, they both have obtained their undergraduate degrees and are pursuing their masters and doctorate degrees. Since they have obtained their degrees I decided it was now my time to finish up my degree I started over 25 years ago.

Why did you choose Averett University’s Graduate & Professional Studies program?

I chose Averett’s Graduate & Professional Studies program after attending an Open House at the Higher Education center in Roanoke. The representative I spoke with at the open house Sarah guided me through the whole process and made it easy to understand making sure I met all my deadlines for admittance to Averett. In comparing Averett’s program with other institutions I decided the schedule flexibility of the online classes would work with my schedule allowing me to take classes in the evenings and on the weekends. Averett would allow my prior credits I earned from community college to transfer to the program of Business Administration – which was a big plus for me also.

How has your degree from Averett University assisted you in your career?

Since starting my degree program at Averett, I have received a promotion into a leadership position within my department. Being in the degree program at Averett has given me the skills and knowledge I need to progress in my career. Once I complete my degree I will be in a better position to climb the corporate ladder into higher management positions.

Since starting my degree program at Averett, I have received a promotion into a leadership position within my department.

What advice would you share for current and incoming students in Averett University’s GPS Program?

To take advantage of the opportunities Averett offers in the GPS program, the classes pertaining to adult learning teach you how to study and all about resources available to you through the college and how to access those resources. Also to read the syllabus to obtain an understanding of each course and pay attention to deadlines for each class. Reach out to your professor when help is needed, they all have been very open and communicative.

What keeps you motivated while in your degree program?

What has kept me motivated is my family’s encouragement when I start to doubt myself. They keep me motivated by giving me words of encouragement. I also stay motivated in order to show my daughters it doesn’t matter how long ago you started something it is never too late to finish what you started. The prospect of obtaining a better job once my degree is completed has been a big motivator.

What is your anticipated date of graduation?

Averett University, Class of 2020!


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