
What is your motivation for obtaining your degree?

I had been discussing getting my MBA or MHA for about four years. A meeting with a trusted mentor last year proved to be the final push that I needed, and three weeks later I found myself accepted to the MBA program at Averett! I work in healthcare and having a strong business acumen is now one area needed to be successful. I desire to continue to progress professionally and obtaining my MBA was the keystone for this.

Why did you choose Averett’s Graduate & Professional Studies Program?      

As a busy working professional and mother, I searched for a program that would meet my needs from a flexibility perspective. I appreciate the 100% online format as it allows for completion of classwork on my timeline. I needed a program that offered one course at a time so as to not overburden myself and cause failure. Lastly, the classes are affordable, which allows me to complete the program without being financially taxed.

Please share one tip for your fellow classmates and future AU students.

This may be cliché, but my advice would be never leave for tomorrow what you can do today. You never know what tomorrow is going to look like. While the pressure from procrastination is motivating to some people, it is draining for me and causes me undue stress. I would rather get everything done ahead of schedule than turn in something late.

What helps to keep you motivated while you are in the program?

There are several things that keep me motivated in this program. The first is remembering why I started or wanted to obtain my MBA in the first place. The second is the support of my family. My son loves to ask me if I am finished with my homework as a rebuttal to my inquiry of him! Lastly is the support of my classmates. We are all in this together and will reach out to each other for support or needed words of encouragement.

What is your anticipated Date of Graduation?

My last class finishes in September of 2018! I will be the class of 2018.


Read 3 Ways an MBA Online Can Help You Advance Professionally

Read 3 Ways an Accredited Online MBA Can Help You Advance Personally

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