
I chose Averett’s GPS Program because of their attention to detail.

What is your motivation for obtaining your degree?

My current employer does not require that I have a degree which is great, but I am seeking a degree in Business Management because I want to know that if I choose to go someplace else or if life takes me to another city or state, I will still be able to do what I enjoy doing and not have to start over.

Why did you choose Averett’s Graduate & Professional Studies Program?

I chose Averett’s GPS Program because of their attention to detail. Everything is set up for me; my schedule is made through my graduation. I know exactly what I am going to pay. I take classes online and I do them based on my schedule. I also like that the classes are short, 5-7 weeks, so getting bored by doing the same thing over and over is not an issue. The cost was my biggest concern when considering going back to school, but Averett’s cost per credit hour for each course is very reasonable. They are in line with other universities in Virginia. All of these things combined made the decision easy.

Please share one tip for your fellow classmates and future AU students:

Utilize all your resources. The Averett library, academic support and tutors are just a few of the resources that useful and offered for no extra charge at Averett!

What helps to keep you motivated while you are in the program?

Two things keep me motivated while I am the program. The first one is remembering why I started the program. The other is having people in my support system to cheer me on. I believe this is critical to my success.

What is your anticipated Date of Graduation?

Averett University, February 2019


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