What is your motivation for obtaining your degree?
After several years of advising students and course planning, I thought…is there anything else I can do to help students achieve their academic goals? Yes, there is…teaching! A big part of my motivation to earn my MBA lies with the thought of helping students on their educational journey of learning. I am a motivated lifelong learner, and hope to inspire students to be the same. To be a beacon of hope to others that you are never too old to learn, and failure is never an option for learning.
Why did you choose Averett’s Graduate & Professional Studies Program?
First, the GPS staff and faculty truly understands what it means to be a full time employee and student. Choices, it’s all about choices. The GPS program incorporates concentration choices as an added bonus to earning an MBA. Second, I tried an online program and it wasn’t a good fit. I need to be in the classroom with teacher/student interaction. Meeting once a week with my classmates and a teacher allows me to be an active participant with the opportunity to hear what others think.
Please share one tip for your fellow classmates and future AU students:
Stay focused and concentrate on what drives you to succeed. Know what success means to you, and why it is important to achieve it. It does not matter how others define success, it only matters to you, and your willingness to achieve it.
What helps to keep you motivated while you are in the program?
Although I did not start out with the desire to earn an MBA, once I made the decision to do so, I draw strength from my classmates knowing that we are all working hard to reach graduation day. Motivation also comes from knowing that once I graduate I will have the opportunity to pass on what I have learned to others.
What is your anticipated Date of Graduation?
Averett University, Class of 2018
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