The Internet definitely made it easier for working adults to get a degree. Online programs give you the flexibility to schedule schoolwork around your job, they remove the time and hassle of commuting to class and they’re usually more affordable than a traditional college campus. But along with all the benefits comes the difficulty of choosing an online degree program. Many online degree programs sound alike and some even seem too good to be true. Before you invest your precious time and hard-earned money, you need an objective way to evaluate the online degree programs you’re considering.
Averett University is a good benchmark. We’ve provided adult educational programs for more than 150 years and we continually evolve and update to meet our students’ needs. Our technology is state-of-the-art, yet we maintain the personal connections between students and instructors that make the learning experience so meaningful. Our classes are small, our curricula are practical and relevant to today’s workplace and our instructors are highly-credentialed.
We think Averett’s full slate of undergraduate and graduate courses is among the best online, but we don’t expect you to take our word for it. That’s why we put together a 14-point checklist to help you evaluate online degree programs and decide if they’re a good fit for you. Still not sure? Click here to watch a short video, chat now or call us for more information. Choosing an online degree program is a big decision. Make the right one.