
Hello! My Name Is…

My name is Clayton Ferguson and I’m currently a machine operator and a small business owner. I’m operating a small photography business by the name of “Untouchable Ambitions Photography.” I’m currently in my first year of business. I’m the youngest of five kids and my hobbies consists of working on my car, working on different forms of photography, and doing a lot of traveling. I have recently picked up riding all-terrain vehicles (atv) and am looking to make this a new hobby.

What is your motivation for obtaining your degree here at Averett University?

The motivation to attend such an amazing school was a dream that I never thought I would see coming true. But for me to see this dream being revealed, pushes me to work harder than I have ever done before. Starting my own business and building a brand was my secondary motivation in which inspired me to attend college.

Why did you choose Averett University’s Graduate & Professional Studies program?

I chose Averett’s Graduate & Professional Studies Program as my way of going back to school because after years of not going to school and working, the transition of attending school was made easy. The flexibility of the program along with my schedule is a perfect fit. I think it’s ideal for those working a full time job and wanting to attend school.

The flexibility of the program along with my schedule is a perfect fit. I think it’s ideal for those working a full time job and wanting to attend school.

How has your degree from Averett University assisted you in your career?

The degree in which I’m working towards is a Bachelor’s of Business. The process thus far has been amazing working with a lot of great people under one network. I have learned and am still learning the methods of becoming a successful businessman and entrepreneur.

What advice would you share for current and incoming students in Averett University’s GPS Program?

The best advice I can give incoming students is to enjoy the time spent attending Averett University’s GPS Program. The joy of being a part of a relaxed school environment is the best thing I’ve ever experienced while still being able to enjoy family, friends, and working a full time job.

What keeps you motivated while in your degree program?

I’m most motivated while working towards my degree by the fact that my long nights and hard work will have the great reward of a college degree.

What is your anticipated date of graduation?

Averett University, Class of 2020!


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