I chose Averett’s GPS program specifically because I am a self-sufficient, full-time working adult, and Averett really caters to those of us already in the workforce.
What is your motivation for obtaining your degree?
I am earning my Bachelor’s degrees, which will be followed by my Master’s Degree, with the intention of using my degrees to excel in corporate banking.
Why did you choose Averett’s Graduate & Professional Studies Program?
When I first got out of high school, I was one of the many individuals that lost their way. I wasn’t certain what I wanted to do with the rest of my life at only 18 years old, so I went back-and-forth to Tidewater Community College attempting to do what was considered the “right” thing, which was earning a college education. Fast-forward 5 years later and I have had the opportunity to gain experience in a banking career, and am now extremely confident in what I am choosing to earn my degree in. I chose Averett’s GPS program specifically because I am a self-sufficient, full-time working adult, and Averett really caters to those of us already in the workforce.
Please share one tip for your fellow classmates and future AU students:
Don’t fantasize about success — work for it.
What helps to keep you motivated while you are in the program?
Being unsuccessful is not an option for me. I have high expectations for my future and I will not allow anything, including myself, get in the way of achieving my goals.
What is your anticipated Date of Graduation?
Averett University, Class of 2020
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