Online BBA student, Debbie, posing for selfie

What is your motivation for obtaining your degree?

I have secretly longed to obtain my degree — since high school. I knew however that I lacked the focus to do it with a good outcome. My intentions were to go into the military to gain some “discipline” while earning money for college. Well, life happened to me and it was not until 33 years later I would take the steps to earn my degree. I did it yes, to be more competitive for promotions at work but, let’s face it, I am closer to retirement than most college students! So, deep down inside, I know that I am doing this to prove to myself that I can. In a sense, earning a degree made it onto my bucket list!

Why did you choose Averett’s Graduate & Professional Studies Program?

I had never heard of Averett University but one of my coworkers had graduated from Averett with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. That was exactly the degree I wanted and I thought highly of this person so decided to check Averett out. After speaking with Andrea in admissions, I was sold on going to Averett. You see, it wasn’t my very first attempt. Months earlier I tried to get into another University but it was such a hassle getting started, I decided to give up and that maybe college wasn’t for me. Along came Andrea. I was enrolled and starting my first class in no time with her help.

Please share one tip for your fellow classmates and future AU students:

The best tip I can give is to never ever stop! I felt like stopping many times and thankfully I had people in my life telling me this. It is too easy to stop and think you will start again, but it’s more likely that you won’t. Don’t ever stop, the finish line gets closer every 5 weeks. Focus on 1 class at a time. If you look at the entire program, it will feel like it’s too much.

What helps to keep you motivated while you are in the program?

I am a highly-motivated person from the start but, my classmates are a big part of my motivation. We commiserate about assignments and our graded papers but at the same time we have so much fun learning together and debating topics we never thought we would!

What is your anticipated Date of Graduation?

I am slated to graduate in December of 2018. Although it seems far away on the calendar, I have more classes behind me than in front of me! It’s a race to the finish now.

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