My name is Tamara Poles. I am currently a student at Averett getting my master’s degree in education, and what I do for a living is I am a biologist that works at a science museum in the education department. My motivation for earning my master’s degree is to excel in my career. My career is actually science education and communication, and by attending the Averett education master’s program, I’m able to learn skills and techniques in education and communication to be a more effective educator. I use those skills in order to help scientists communicate their research and help the general public understand and appreciate science.
If someone’s thinking about going to Averett University, I say go for it. It’s a very rigorous program, but it’s very flexible with your schedule, and I know, personally, I’m very busy. I work full-time, I volunteer, I play sports, and I actually work part-time, so I’m able to juggle all of this and get my master’s degree at the same time, so you could do it. If you’re just thinking about it, just go ahead and do it.