I’m Keith Nuunam. I’m an Averett alumni. I actually came to Averett for my undergraduate degree and had such a great experience that I went back and just finished up my MBA. I currently work as a director for a healthcare system here on the East Coast. I really enjoyed the teamwork, the team building that happened here. It is very much like a business experience and I think that the entire Averett structure for the graduate and professional studies program really works with a professional work life, school balance.
The education was great, the leadership opportunities but building the team approach was my favorite experience here. I’m real blessed. I feel like that Averett has given me the self-confidence and the respect of colleagues. I had a successful career underway and yet doors have opened since my undergraduate degree and since the master’s. I think Averett’s a great program. I think the ability to work on the timeline, working with a work life balance, the program works. It works for adults that want to go back to school.