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Leadership Concentration


Prepare to Lead

Master of Science in Criminal Justice

MSCJ - Leadership Concentration

Position yourself to build productive teams, develop solid strategies and nurture a winning workplace culture with Averett’s Master of Science in Criminal Justice Administration and Leadership with a concentration in Leadership (MSCJ-LDR). With our 100% online program, you’ll learn effective leadership skills for the 21st century.


Goals and Course Topics

Leadership skills needed to provide today’s inclusive, cross-cultural public safety services are different than just a few years ago. You must grasp theoretical concepts and be able to apply them in real time – even as conditions shift around you. The MSCJ-LDR helps prepare you for the next step in your public safety career.



  • Public Safety Command Staff 
  • Community Programs Development Specialist
  • Private Security Director 
  • Public Safety Leadership
  • Police Leadership Positions


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$ 655 per credit hour
  • Plus Any Additional Fees
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The MSCJ-LDR Concentration is ideal if you want to advance your career without putting it on hold. Designed for accelerated completion, you’ll take classes no more than two at a time in eight-week blocks. Small classes allow productive discussions and personal attention from your instructors.

Who this program is for

The MSCJ-LDR is for working professionals who hold a bachelor’s degree. The Leadership Concentration is developed for both experienced and novice public safety practitioners who are moving through the promotional hierarchy within their public safety agency. However, we do not require a minimum amount of full-time work experience to be accepted into this concentration. The concentration is also developed and designed for individuals who are motivated or aspire to work in public safety. 

Admissions requirements, transfer credit guidelines and graduate requirements are outlined in our Academic Catalog. An Admissions Counselor will help you order your official transcripts and Averett will pay the associated costs. We will evaluate your transcripts to determine the degree program for which you qualify.


Are you ready to get started?

If you are ready to start your journey with us, Apply Today and request a FREE Transfer Credit evaluation!

How to Choose an Online Program

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Our next session starts May 14.

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