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Meet Christopher Ellis


Christopher Ellis

Director of Student Services, Graduate & Professional Studies

Why Averett? Watch now.

Why do I love working in higher ed., especially with adults? I’ve worked in Higher Education for well over a decade now, and I love working in the field because it is a challenge unlike any other I have experienced. Serving students is hard work; serving them well is even harder. It is my belief that all students can become successful learners and there are no predetermined limits to what students can accomplish, regardless of age. I also love the passion and life experience that each of my students brings to the classroom; rather it be a non-traditional student that has served our country in the military and is taking the next step to further their education and career horizons, to the student not too far removed from high school whom is ready to take the next step in their educations.

I owe it to each of my students to provide them the best opportunity for success.

I owe it to each of my students to provide them the best opportunity for success. I cannot guarantee perfection for every student, and I cannot promise success – this is not in my control. I can control, and can indeed provide them with, the best opportunities for success here at Averett.

A few interesting things about me, some of which have directly been influenced by Averett:

  • I met my wife at Averett! We were in the same psychology class, in our junior year, back in the fall of 1999. We became fast friends and lost touch after we started graduate school. We reconnected shortly after I began working for Averett in December of 2014. We married in December of 2016!
  • I learned that I have a love for drawing and painting while taking ART103 at Averett as an undergrad. Thanks Professor Kendrick! (Ask me to tell to the story sometime.)
  • Ask me anytime about intriguing Averett trivia. Which former Averett administrator died due to a Beer Keg explosion? I’ll give you a hint- it happened in 1873 right before commencement!

Chris graduated from Averett in 2001 – the last class of Averett College. He earned a BA in Counseling and Clinical Psychology with a minor in Religion and earned his MDV in 2004 from Duke University.

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