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Disaster Management Concentration




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MSCJ - Disaster Management Concentration

Take your leadership skills to the next level by earning a Disaster Management Concentration with your MSCJ degree. This concentration will not only prepare you to handle any emergency in your community but will give you the skills to stand-out amongst competitors in the job market.  

Goals and Course Topics

The Disaster Management Concentration is designed to provide students the concepts and foundations of disaster management services. Students will gain a general understanding of the various threats faced by communities. Students will also explore the role of disaster management and steps taken during the various phases of disaster management; mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.


  • Disaster/Emergency Management
  • Private Disaster/Emergency Management
  • Public Safety Planning and Management
  • Homeland Security 
  • First Responder Management
  • Public Safety Services


This program is formatted for intense study and accelerated completion online. You’ll take classes no more than two at a time in eight-week blocks, which allows for degree completion in less than 23 months. Small classes allow for productive discussions and personal attention from your instructor.


Who This MSCJ Concentration is For

This concentration is developed for both experienced and novice public safety practitioners who are moving through the promotional hierarchy within their public safety agency. However, we do not require a minimum amount of full-time work experience to be accepted into this concentration. This program is also developed and designed for individuals who are motivated or aspire to work in public safety.

We prefer working professionals whose official transcripts show a 3.0+ GPA in their last 60 credits of bachelor degree study. However, the Graduate Admissions Committee may provisionally admit students who earned less than a 3.0 as undergraduates after requesting additional documents and letters of recommendation from current or former professors and employers.


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$ 655 per credit hour
  • Plus Any Additional Fees
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Our next session starts January 15.

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