Life happens. And, making the choice to go back to school as an adult can be both exciting and intimidating – but we are here to help you succeed. Our recent graduate, Tracy, shares her story of success.


“My husband and I, we met when we were young. I was in college he was in the military. We met down at Hampton Roads. And I did the common rule not to fall in love with a sailor before you graduate – and I did. Got married young and we wanted to, I wanted to stay home with my kids. I wanted to make sure that I was the one that put my beliefs in my children, so I made the sacrifices stay at home.

And then I heard about the program 22 years later, from my girlfriend who finished the program at Averett. And she was telling me about it and I was like, you know, I could do that. I chose Averett’s GPS program because it is geared to adults going back to school. It takes my life which is hectic, with children, raising kids, and going back to work and it gave me the opportunity to fit in my bucket list of going back to school and completing something that I felt that I could work for. I’m very proud of what I accomplished. I’m very proud of what I accomplished and what I’m going to accomplish.”

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