

Deciding which program to pursue as you go back to school can be strenuous. It can often be difficult to find the perfect program, one that is the right for your career goals, fits your passion and aligns with your values. However, at Averett University we are here to help! We have developed a few quick tips to help make this process easier for you!

  • Find your passion –For many, a passion is an area of deep interest that also incorporates the values and abilities of a person. Your passion can be the key to determining a program, as it uses the items that are significant to you and aligns them with a program that is closely related to your interests.
  • Consider your current career – Your current career can help you determine a program as well. It is best to take a look at your career goals, and decide which program(s) best align with them or can help accelerate them. This could be choosing a program that gives you the credentials for your desired promotion, deepens your understanding for your current field, or broadens your educational horizons in new areas.
  • Do your research – It is always important to do your research. Take time to consider the long-term effects of choosing each program of interest. Some questions you could ask yourself are:
    1. Will you still enjoy it years from now?
    2. What is job outlook in the next five to ten years?
    3. Is there room for growth with this degree?
  • Seek advice – You are not alone. If you are having a difficult time deciding which program is right for you seek advice from your admissions counselor, family and friends. Your admissions counselor has knowledge about every program, and help you narrow down which program is best for you based on your career goals. Take time to talk with your family and friends as well. They are great source of inspiration and ideas; and no one knows you better than them!

As you start your educational journey, it is important to remember you are not alone. You have an entire team here at Averett dedicated to your success. Our team is here to answer any questions you have along the way!

Click here to learn more about our online programs!

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