When you think about online college, you might worry about having limited access to resources because you are not on-campus. However, at Averett Online, we make certain our students have the tools they need to be successful! We are ready to assist you, and we do this by providing helpful resources to our students.
Here is a brief walkthrough of Averett Online’s resources and how they can set you up for academic success. You can find all of them by visiting our Student Resources page.
- Email. When you enroll in Averett Online programs, you are automatically given an Averett email. This allows you to communicate with your professors and classmates. The convenient database, makes it easy to find your fellow Averett Online community members. Just search their names, and their email addresses will show up!
- PC-Self Service. New students are eager to find their class schedules! PC-Self Service is a program designed for you to easily access your schedule, find textbooks and view your unofficial transcripts.
- Library. When you think of a library, do you imagine a daunting room filled with books to the ceiling? Think again. With Averett Online, finding material for research is way less intimidating. The online library provides you with access to over thirty databases and many e-books. There is even a link to chat with a librarian in real time!
- Tutoring. If you are struggling in a class, you do not have to struggle alone, reach out to Averett Online tutors! They will be happy to schedule a meeting with you via Zoom so that you can better understand your coursework.
- IT Help. As an online student, you might encounter technology problems while on your educational journey. If you do, our IT department is ready to help! You can contact them online or by calling the help desk at (434) 791-5720.
No matter what your college experience looks like, we want you to have access to everything you need to be successful! Apply today, and we’ll be there for you every step of the way!