Are you interested in graduate school, but you are not sure if you can manage your work and home life too? With the flexibility of Averett Online’s programs, and by following this S.T.U.D.Y. acronym, you can be a successful student even when faced with other responsibilities.
Seek help. Did you know that Averett Online offers tutoring and individual meetings with your professors? If you are struggling with a class, you do not have to struggle alone. You can reach out to a student success coach, tutor, professor or fellow classmate. There is no shame in asking for help. Your Averett Online community is ready to assist you in your education journey.
Take notes. When studying for an assignment, you need to have notes that will refresh your memory on what you have learned so far. Between family and work responsibilities, you might forget some details from class. If you take notes while reading and watching videos, it will make it easier to remember previous lessons. You can take hand-written notes or even type your notes. The more organized the notes, the better!
Use academic resources. When you begin at Averett Online, you will be given information on how to access a variety of resources, including the library, Canvas, tutoring, IT help and career development. All of these programs are designed to help you succeed as an online student and save you time. Make sure to take advantage of them.
Delete distractions. Do you often check social media or sit in a noisy environment while studying? Distractions are everywhere and can keep you from concentrating on your schoolwork. As tempting as these distractions are, it is best to get rid of them to succeed in your studies. For example, silence your phone and sit in a quiet place, like a library, instead of Starbucks. While it may be hard to give up distractions, it will pay off in the long run!
Yearn for success. While in the midst of adult life and classes, you may feel overwhelmed at times. However, this does not mean you should quit. When these feelings arise, you should focus more on the reasons why you started and reach out to your Averett family for support. The Averett Online community is cheering you on every step of the way. Do not forget to cheer for yourself!