Hello! My Name Is…
Hello, everyone. My name is Tyler Jordan Pace and I am about to finish my junior year here at Averett University. I am currently majoring in Sociology/Criminal Justice and after my studies are complete here at Averett, I plan to attend law school and earn my Juris Doctor Degree (J.D.) and become a defense attorney.
I am currently majoring in Sociology/Criminal Justice and after my studies are complete here at Averett, I plan to attend law school and earn my Juris Doctor Degree (J.D.) and become a defense attorney.
What is your motivation for obtaining your degree here at Averett University?
I love helping people and I always want to speak up for individuals who may not feel comfortable doing so themselves.
What keeps you motivated while in your degree program?
My family and personal desires help keep me motivated in pursuing my academic goals here at Averett, and it will be a very big honor to not only myself, but also to my friends and family who have helped me along my academic career.
What advice would you share for current and incoming students in Averett University’s GPS Program?
My advice to upcoming students and current students at Averett is to stay steady and to not get overwhelmed when things may not go your way. Keep yourselves motivated and everything will fall into place. I have really enjoyed my short time here and I cannot wait to see what my future holds.
What is your anticipated date of graduation?
I am anticipated to graduate in May 2020!