Hello! My Name Is…
My name is Erin French. I have been teaching for 3 years now. I start my teaching career in North Carolina as a 2nd grade assistant moving the next year to teaching 8th grade social studies then the following year 6th grade social studies before finding my ideal job as a special education teacher at Chatham Middle School in Virginia. My decision to teach came after many wrong choices of career paths in my life. However, one of those choices was training service dogs for children with autism. Working with the children with autism started my desire to want to help more children with special needs learn to not only cope with their disabilities but succeed and do great things.
I started working on my Master in Special Education my 2nd year teaching, which was the year I started teaching 8th grade social studies. That was a very challenging year learning to run a middle school classroom and juggle classwork for my degree. My second year teaching, while still working on figuring out the ins and outs of running classroom successfully I had my husbands and my first son. Yes, I was still working on my master’s the whole time, learning to teach and pregnant then caring for a new family. However, things could not have gone better thanks to the wonderful staff, teachers, success counselors and advisors at Averett University.
What is your motivation for obtaining your degree here at Averett University?
Before deciding where to attend school to obtain my Master’s in Special Education I looked at several schools that had online programs as well as on campus classes. When I talked with Averett they were by far the most motivational and inspirational school I had dealt with. They did not hesitate to encourage me and warn me about the problems I could occur. They also were extremely easy to get in contact with when I had additional questions and within days it was obvious they were a school that cared about me being a successful student and that was where I wanted to attend.
Why did you choose Averett University’s Graduate & Professional Studies program?
My goal was to be able to teach special education. My background was a BA in Criminal Justice. I did not have a previous teaching degree. They had the exact program I was looking for which included receiving my teaching license at the completion of my degree in special education.
When I talked with Averett they were by far the most motivational and inspirational school I had dealt with.
How has your degree from Averett University assisted you in your career?
My degree from Averett University has allowed me to obtain my dream job as a special education teacher. Without attending Averett and the wonderful professors I would not have the knowledge to perform my job adequately.
What advice would you share for current and incoming students in Averett University’s GPS Program?
Averett University’s GPS Program is a program that is geared towards you being a successful student. If you need help reach out to your success counselors or professors they are always willing to work with you to be sure you are able to complete your program.
What keeps you motivated while in your degree program?
My biggest motivation by far was my family and knowing they needed me to have this degree so I could provide for them. Also, though it has always been a passion of mine to teach special education and knowing how much I could change children’s lives keep me going through the tough times.
What is your anticipated date of graduation?
May 4, 2019