
Hello! My Name Is…

Hello, My name is Misty Witt. I am a jack of all trades but professionally speaking, I am an IT manager, HIPAA and OSHA Compliance Officer, MRI Technologist, and EMT. On a personal level, my husband and I are celebrating our twenty year anniversary this year and we have a beautiful teenage daughter together.

What is your motivation for obtaining your degree here at Averett University?

Regret! My motivation to obtain my degree comes from the fact that I said that I was going to complete it… and life got in the way. I stand to gain nothing from hanging that degree on my wall but sweet personal satisfaction.

Why did you choose Averett University’s Graduate & Professional Studies program?

I chose Averett for two reasons. One, because Averett does not have all the hidden digital online reoccurring fees that other colleges have. Financially, it was the smartest choice. Two, Jonathan Nichels! He was my admissions counselor and the first person that I had the pleasure of speaking with. Jonathan is a great listener and cheerleader that put my anxiety to rest. His immediate availability to connect helped me to springboard through any hesitancy that I was feeling. He followed me through the entire process of applying and even checked in on me from time to time, going well above and beyond his responsibilities. There are countless other Averett staff members that welcomed and guided me through my first steps into college life again. I feel that each one of them love what they do because it radiates from them. Averett’s staff is top notch, in fact, my first Averett professor Melissa Anderson, I feel confident will be a lifelong connection.

Despite the fact that my current position does not require a bachelor’s, I feel that achieving this degree will fulfill my own personal satisfaction. That alone is monumental.

How has your degree from Averett University assisted you in your career?

Despite the fact that my current position does not require a bachelor’s, I feel that achieving this degree will fulfil my own personal satisfaction. That alone is monumental.

What advice would you share for current and incoming students in Averett University’s GPS Program?

Take advantage of the on-line platform to work ahead. I loved the flexibility that the GPS program allowed. It simply is not feasible for me to be a traditional student again.

What keeps you motivated while in your degree program?

My daughter keeps me on my toes. She absolutely loves the role reversal of asking me if I have finished my homework!


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