Hello! My Name Is…
Hi! My name is Takoda! My career is in the Business Administration program which I hope I can either move up into management or start my own business. My hobbies include writing fiction and poetry. I get asked all the time where my name comes from and Takoda is actually a Native American name meaning, “a friend to everyone.” My parents are part Blackfoot and Cherokee, but the name comes from the Sioux tribe.
What is your motivation for obtaining your degree here at Averett University?
My motivation is to keep striving making myself a little bit better every day. With this degree I can branch out to more and better companies who can see the potential within me.
Why did you choose Averett University’s Graduate & Professional Studies program?
I chose the GPS program because I cannot afford to go physically, and I’ve seen my friends, family members, and co-workers struggle paying off student debt because they didn’t work full-time or goofed off and had to drop out having taken out more than one student loan. My motto is “work smarter not harder.” The GPS program is very flexible as well and they give you the tools and mentors needed for success.
The GPS program is very flexible as well and they give you the tools and mentors needed for success.
How has your degree from Averett University assisted you in your career?
As someone who is on their way to getting a Bachelor’s degree, it has opened a few doors that I couldn’t open a year ago such as a back-up manager position.
What advice would you share for current and incoming students in Averett University’s GPS Program?
I would tell anyone to keep a planner with you at all times so you can keep up with assignments and when they are due. Also, start on essays at least two weeks before it is due.
What keeps you motivated while in your degree program?
My current job keeps me motivated that I will find a better one because I am currently tied down with a contract to keep reimbursements. Another motivation is my grandmother who passed before I received my Associates degree. I want to not only be successful is business, but also be a successful author. It lets me know there is always something better.
What is your anticipated date of graduation?
My anticipated date of graduation is hopefully the end of fall semester of 2019.