Going for a college degree is a big deal, no matter what your circumstances are. But don’t assume it’s out of reach. Lots of adults with full-time or part-time jobs, families, volunteer obligations and other commitments make it work—and many who chose Averett University say it’s a lot easier than they expected.
There are a few reasons why. First, Averett is affordable, which we know is a huge deciding factor for working adults going back to school. In fact, the cost per credit for our undergraduate program is about half the average of comparable Virginia colleges and adult online degree programs. We also offer financial aid, which can lower the costs substantially. If you go that route, you’ll be in good company. Almost all Averett students receive some form of aid.
Another reason so many people like Averett is the flexibility. We offer classes online and in the evenings at locations throughout Virginia—and sessions start six times a year, so you can fit school around your life. By the way, online doesn’t mean alone. You can still interact and communicate with classmates and professors through discussion forums, email and direct messages—but on your schedule, not ours. The other great thing about Averett is the time it takes to get a degree. Many students complete their undergraduate and graduate programs in two years or less.
Money and time keep us from pursuing a lot of things in life, but a college degree doesn’t have to be on that list. Find out more about Averett University’s online and on-campus degree programs for working adults. We guarantee, it’s easier than you think.