What is your motivation for obtaining your degree?
We have four (4) daughters and have instilled in them through life that it does not matter how long it takes to complete a task, just complete it. After allowing my husband and my daughters to move forward and complete their respective degrees, I have finally taken the time to complete something I started some time ago (leading by example).
Why did you choose Averett’s Graduate & Professional Studies Program?
My husband is an Averett Alum of the MBA program and I loved how the program worked for him, so it was an easy decision, when I decided to finally complete my degree, and Averett was my first choice. The support from the school is great. My schedule is very busy with life, after-retirement work, my network marketing business and singing with a band, so I needed a program that fits into my schedule. The GPS program is just that. I do not have the luxury of having the time to go to a brick and mortar building for class. Being able to go online or on my smart phone, at my convenience, and submit my work is the best method for my lifestyle.
Please share one tip for your fellow classmates and future AU students:
One tip is hard, so we’ll count this as one. Work ahead of schedule if at all possible and do not wait until the last minute for preparation of papers, etc. I print out my complete assignments for the upcoming week, in advance, keep a copy with me at all times, and check them off as completed. Any down time is used for research, which I save and then compile it all together. Also, save a backup of everything on a flash drive (technical problems will occur, but you will be prepared).
What helps to keep you motivated while you are in the program?
The fact that I can show my children and grandson how being persistent and consistent pays off in the end is priceless to me. Also, if at all possible, get it all done before the responsibilities of a family, etc. are added to the equation. I can show them better than I can tell them, any day. They have seen the struggles and the appreciation for hard work, and ultimately the joy of finishing what is started!!
The fact that I can show my children and grandson how being persistent and consistent pays off in the end is priceless to me.
What is your anticipated Date of Graduation?
Averett University, Class of 2018.