Did you know earning a college degree can also lead to a healthier lifestyle? That’s right! Compared to individuals who stopped pursuing a formal education beyond a high school diploma, individuals who went on to earn a college degree make healthier life choices not only for themselves but also for their loved ones.
More High School Graduates Smoke than College Graduates
It’s no secret that smoking is bad for your health; in fact, a warning label is printed on every cigarette pack to remind you. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, only eight percent of male college graduates (still) smoke compared to 28 percent of male smokers who only have a high school diploma. The report released in 2016 also shared that six percent of female college graduates smoke, while nearly four times that amount (almost 24 percent) of females who are only high school graduates are smokers today.
High School Graduates are More Sedentary on a Weekly Basis than College Graduates
86 percent of college graduates between the ages of 25 and 34 are committed to regular weekly exercise compared to 66 percent of high school graduates in the same age group. 72 percent of senior citizens aged 65 and older who have college degrees still engage in routine weekly exercises over their counterparts with just a high school diploma. According to a report published in 2016 by The College Board, only 49 percent of individuals who are 65 and older and who do not have a college degree participate in a formal weekly exercise. Whether it’s the college environment with all its fitness facilities and opportunities to participate in physical activities and sports, or it’s the completion of formal classes that explain, promote, and encourage a healthy lifestyle, more college graduates understand and embrace the lifelong benefits of making exercise a part of their regular weekly routine.
High School Graduates are More Likely to Have Obese Children than College Graduates
Of all the results of a report by The College Board in 2016, perhaps the most disturbing and motivating one is the fact that parents with just a high school diploma have a higher percentage of children suffering from obesity than the children of college graduate parents. The study found that nine percent of girls between the ages of 2 and 19 with parents who graduated from college were obese, compared to the 24 percent of obese girls with parents who did not pursue formal studies beyond high school. For the boys, 11 percent were obese who had parents that graduated from college compared to 20 percent of the boys who were obese and had parents with high school diplomas.
Despite hectic schedules, more individuals – in particular, college graduates — are becoming mindful of the food they choose and the lifestyles they commit to for both themselves and the loved ones in their lives.