Sefton and Avinash on campus

What is your motivation for obtaining your degree?

Our main motivation for obtaining our degree was our family. Education has always been a number one priority. Aside from family, we always dreamt big as children and continue to do so as adults. During our journey through college we were able to complete the two major accomplishments on our to-do list, we have both earned our pilot certificates and will be graduating spring 2017.

Why did you choose Averett’s Graduate & Professional Studies Program?

Averett’s program stood out significantly, after our previous college went bankrupt last summer we were placed in an overwhelming situation along with many others. Averett University was the only college to transfer all of our credits and allow us to finish the degree on time. In addition, the program is well laid out and the advisors were extremely helpful in making sure we understood what it took to achieve our goals.

Please share one tip for your fellow classmates and future AU students:

Sefton: When times get hard, you have to apply yourself even more and make sure you overcome the obstacles that were placed in front of you. In addition, don’t be afraid to ask for help, there is no way for others to know what you need if you don’t express yourself.

Avi: Perseverance and Determination. Always say to yourself “I will continue my pursuit no matter the opposition,” and “I will stop at nothing to achieve my goal.”

What helps to keep you motivated while you are in the program?

Friends and family are the motivation. You need to have people in your life that are just as determined as you, so when things get hard someone will be there to push you.

What is your anticipated Date of Graduation?

Averett University, Class of 2017

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